CHAT WITH ME TONIGHT! (And a contest!)

Got a burning question you've been dying to ask me? Well here's your chance! I'll be doing an online chat tonight as part of the 10 in '10 Teen Chick Lit Challenge and I'd LOVE to see you there! The chat starts at 8pm and all you have to do is go to to join the fun.
And speaking of fun, I've decided to run a little contest today!
SHE'S SO DEAD TO US is going to hit bookstores EXACTLY TWO WEEKS FROM TODAY!! (That would be May 25, if you don't feel like checking your calendar.) In honor of this momentous occassion (or pre-occassion) I'm going to give away one autographed copy of the book TODAY! Yes, that means that, should you be the winner, you will get to read the juicy little story of Ally Ryan and Jake Graydon before it ever makes it to a store near you.
All you have to do to enter is comment on THIS blog with your answer to this one simple question:
Which of the following qualities is most important in a significant other?
A. Physical attractiveness - What's the point if I don't constantly want to kiss him/her?
B. Wealth - If the person can take me cool places and buy me new things, then we have a lot more to talk about.
C. Humor - Laughter is the key to a good relationship, after all.
D. Attentiveness - If he/she would rather text and play xbox than listen to me, they're not worth my time.
E. Popularity - If everyone else loves him/her, then he/she is worthy of my attention. Also popularity makes anyone sexier.
You may choose any combination, but no fair choosing "all of the above!" Comment on THIS BLOG, and you're automatically entered. I'll announce the winner here, on my blog, tomorrow morning and also on Twitter and facebook, so you can triple check. The winner will be chosen at random from all entries. The winner WILL NOT be based upon your answer, so don't try to shrink me and figure out which one I'D pick. I'll never tell. :)
All you have to do to enter is comment on THIS blog with your answer to this one simple question:
Which of the following qualities is most important in a significant other?
A. Physical attractiveness - What's the point if I don't constantly want to kiss him/her?
B. Wealth - If the person can take me cool places and buy me new things, then we have a lot more to talk about.
C. Humor - Laughter is the key to a good relationship, after all.
D. Attentiveness - If he/she would rather text and play xbox than listen to me, they're not worth my time.
E. Popularity - If everyone else loves him/her, then he/she is worthy of my attention. Also popularity makes anyone sexier.
You may choose any combination, but no fair choosing "all of the above!" Comment on THIS BLOG, and you're automatically entered. I'll announce the winner here, on my blog, tomorrow morning and also on Twitter and facebook, so you can triple check. The winner will be chosen at random from all entries. The winner WILL NOT be based upon your answer, so don't try to shrink me and figure out which one I'D pick. I'll never tell. :)
ENTRIES WILL BE ACCEPTED UNTIL MIDNIGHT, EST MAY 11, 2010! Any entries added after that time will not be considered.
I would say that humour is the best quality for sure. What fun is it being in a relationship if your partner doesn't laugh at anything you say, takes you seriously all the time, only does serious stuff, or doesn't understand any kind of major, or slight handed joke made by you or others?
Great question...definitely Humor and Attentiveness! I love a guy who can make me laugh and give me the attention I need.
kpic724 (at) gmail (dot) com
For me, humor and attentiveness are really important in a relationship.
Humor + Attentiveness
magabygc AT gmail DOT com
C. Humor - Laughter is the key to a good relationship, after all.
If you can't laugh, then what is there to be happy about? Been with the same guy for 18 years this coming May 21st. And we laugh all the time. In fact we're total dorks!!
Out of the choices, humor and attentiveness would be the two that are most important in a significant other for me.
See you tonight!
I would say humor and attentiveness. Because I want a guy who makes me laugh. Having conversations and just laughing like everyday is a better day. And him being attentive means that he really likes me and wants to know me more.
I would pick humour and attentiveness, but if I had to with only 1, then it would be humour. You can't imagine how boring and dull someone can be if they don't have a sense of humour!
stella.exlibris AT gmail DOT com
Thank you for this giveaway!!
I have to agree with everyone else on humor being first choice. A great sense of humor far outweighs stunning good looks. And someone who commands laughter everyday looks good!
i think it would ether have to be humor or attentiveness.
Easy peasy. C) Humor and D) Attentiveness.
Good looks can only last so long, one day we will all be old and wrinkly so better get used to the idea, money can only buy sooo much and who cares if other people like your significant other, they aren't the ones who will have to deal with him/her for the rest of your waking life.
So yes humor, because laughter really does cure all(or most) and attentiveness, because who doesn't like being paid attention to.
Thanks Kieran, can't wait to read She's SO Dead to us.
C. Humor - Laughter is the key to a good relationship, after all and
D. Attentiveness - If he/she would rather text and play xbox than listen to me, they're not worth my tim
That is so true
Out of those choices....humor & attentiveness. I think honesty and communication skills are also very important traits to have for a relationship.
Can't wait for She's So Dead to Us!!!! <3
So apparently I agree with everyone that humour and attentiveness are the most important out of those. Humour is key... they don't have to be a joker, but being able to laugh at things together is key. And I'm not needy, but if gadgets and his friends take precedence over me ALL the time, that's not going to work. Physical attractiveness is also important to an extent. Not that they have to be classically good looking or gorgeous or anything, but there should be a certain level of attraction between the two of you.
Looks like answers C and D are the winners. They're my picks too. I love people that can make me laugh and I rather my significant other pay attention to me. No one should date or marry someone that doesn't give you the time of day.
I can't wait for the She's So Dead To Us release! Oh and I'm getting Geek Magnet in the mail sometime this week. :)
Humor and Popularity . A good laugh is what makes life worth living ! And yh if everyone loves him i'll sure do !=)
So far I am IMPRESSED with my friends' and readers' level of depth. Not a shallow gal among you, huh? :)
D. Attentiveness - If he/she would rather text and play xbox than listen to me, they're not worth my time.
Most definitely DDDDDDDD.
I cannot express how much I hate it when I'm talking to a guy a like via text and they say something like "ttyl COD is calling" i mean come onnnnnnnnn. If I'm not worth your time, then I'll find somebody else whose time I am worth. Then he can play his Xbox as much as he wants. =P
Out of the following, the most important would definately be HUMOR. The thing I like most about a guy is how much they can make me laugh, without laughter none of the other things matter.
Then, ATTENTIVENSS is a pretty second. I mean how can you have a relationship without it? Then, while it is not nearly as important, PHYSICAL ATTRACTIVNESS is atleast slightly important. :]
I would pick humor. I love to laugh and I think that laughter helps make a relationship stronger.
~Meredith F.
WOW apparently no one cares about looks??? Riiiight lol....
MY choices would be humor and popularity. Not necessarily because everyone DOES like them, but for the reasons they do, Obviously if everyone likes them there has to be a good reason :) and looks matter to a certain extent. DEF not the most important but it is nice to at least be attracted to the person!
can't wait to read the book....sooo excited!!:)
Humor and attentiveness...but physical attractiveness is a close third, it definitely has to be there for me!
Hard to be funny without attention. And let's be honest: cute comes and goes. So what really matters is SENSE OF HUMOR.
I would pick Humor and Attentiveness, although I also believe that there has to be attraction.
Humor wins hands down for me. If I can't make you laugh, and you can't make me laugh, then what's the point? I grew up watching Monty Python reruns on PBS and love someone with a wicked sense of humor because it's also an indicator of intelligence.
Attentiveness is good, but you've got to give each other a little bit of space sometimes - to gather more material, of course!
And, finally, I just love how my boyfriend's beautiful eyes crinkle when he laughs - at or with me, doesn't matter which (for the record, we're both pretty average looking).
caversano at msn dot com
Definitley C and D, if he can't make me smile, and all he cares about is himself, that is terribly unnatractive. Who wan't a guy who doesn't care about you?
A and C for sure! for me this is one of the basic laws of a sucessful relationship! I also think so because I think with these traits for someone like me you would have a hard time trying to not fall in love with them!
Personally for me I believe Attentiveness is most important because I want a boyfriend who actually cares about me and what happens in my life you know? If they sit there and play playstation or whatever instead of being with you then they don't truely care about you. With attentiveness comes communication and we all know that communication is key. Its an old cliche, but it is completely true. You have to have that understanding of each other to have a true relationship.
Definitely humor. I'm almost always drawn to guys who make me laugh. I have a hard time figuring out which guys are cute!
-Lauren (:
D. is key to me the other answers are like runner-ups :D
simple: C. because if he can't make me laugh, then what's the point?
Attentivness. I dont want a guy who is only focused on himself and what he likes. I want a guy who will listen to what I say but at the same time not give up what he likes/ believes in. He also has to be funny
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