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Monday, January 11, 2010

Cupcake Success!

I know you were all waiting on the edge of your seats to see how my cupcakes came out. (If you're new to the blog, or catching this on amazon, go to http://kieran-scott.blogspot.com and click on the Me and Martha post to get caught up.) Well, i didn't get to them on Thursday, but I DID get to them in Saturday and they were . . .


Here's a badly lit photo for reference:

They are vanilla buttermilk cupcakes with fluffy vanilla frosting (also made from scratch) and even though they took me two hours to complete (Do you KNOW how long it takes to sift five cups of flour and then four cups of powdered sugar with a squeeze-activated sifter? Felt like a lifetime.), they were totally worth it. Especially when B took a bite and grinned in happiness with sprinkles hanging off his chin. PRICELESS!

Next week, I shall tackle the chocolate marble cupcakes . . . with my new sifter from Williams Sonoma.