My First Radio Interview!
Last week I recorded an interview with Jill Sheets of KOPN 89.5 out of Missouri, and it's going to air TODAY between 3 & 5 pm CT! If you're in the area, give it a listen and then let me know if I sound as nasal as I think I do!
Also, I rambled. I'm totally sure I rambled.
But, whatever, it's still cool. We talked about She's SO Dead to Us and Geek Magnet, as well as a bit about Private and Privilege. You'll even get to hear who I think should play my characters if the books are ever made into movies! Jill had some great questions. I just hope I had some good answers!
Here's the link to the station's website if you'd like more info: They even have some archived podcasts on there, including an interview with the lovely ELIZABETH SCOTT, whose novel Bloom I am currently reading and LOVING!

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