To celebrate Teen Read Week I've decided to give away one signed copy of Geek Magnet and one signed copy of Privilege this Friday! All you have to do is comment on this blog with the title of YOUR favorie young adult novel--and maybe tell us a little bit about it, too. (I'm looking for good reads, as, I'm sure, are some of my blog's followers, so share, share, share!) Make sure you send all your friends as well. The more the merrier! I'll choose a winner this Friday.
To get the ball rolling, here's a little bit about the last great YA book I read:

Lucky by Rachel Vail is the story Phoebe Avery, the youngest of the three over-privileged Avery sisters. Phoebe has never had a real problem in her life and has always taken her luck for granted. So when things start to go wrong in her life, she doesn't really know how to handle it. First her mother loses her high-paying job, then her super-popular friends seem to be getting ready to dump her, and the eighth-grade graduation party she's been looking forward to all year could be cancelled. Phoebe takes a step back to figure out what her priorities are, and may just find out she's a bit happier NOT having it all.
And the best part? Lucky is part of a triolgy, with each book focusing on one of the Avery sisters. I highly recommend you check them out!
To get the ball rolling, here's a little bit about the last great YA book I read:

Lucky by Rachel Vail is the story Phoebe Avery, the youngest of the three over-privileged Avery sisters. Phoebe has never had a real problem in her life and has always taken her luck for granted. So when things start to go wrong in her life, she doesn't really know how to handle it. First her mother loses her high-paying job, then her super-popular friends seem to be getting ready to dump her, and the eighth-grade graduation party she's been looking forward to all year could be cancelled. Phoebe takes a step back to figure out what her priorities are, and may just find out she's a bit happier NOT having it all.
And the best part? Lucky is part of a triolgy, with each book focusing on one of the Avery sisters. I highly recommend you check them out!
It's a tough call to pick my very favourite YA book... I think I would have to pick "Along For The Ride" by Sarah Dessen. It eclipsed "The Truth About Forever" as my favourite Sarah book, and her books are always my top choice.
My favourite book I read recently would be "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. I waited this long to read it because I wasn't sure what it would be like... up until recently I never really read anything that was sci-fi or fantasy in any way, but Scott Westerfeld's books got me interested in reading more stuff that's futuristic and out there.
Hi Kieran :)
I just finished DEMON PRINCESS by Michelle Rowen. It is a great book about a teenage girl struggling to find her place in highschool, her feelings about a certain boy, her father, her mother & her mother's bad relationship. It's the first in a series. I recommend it to everyone.
I also finished The Forest Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan. What a wonderfully suspenseful book about a teenage girl trying to find her place in life, in her society and dealing with her feelings for a certain young man. I didn't want it to end. Luckily there is a sequel coming out.
I also finished The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman. What a great opening! From the first line I was hooked and followed Nobody's journey. I highly recommend it to everyone young & old.
I also finished Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev. Highly entertaining with great characters. The faeries are magnificent, fun, scene-stealing characters. Bertie (Beatrice) is one of the best female characters I've read, reminding me strongly of Anne McCaffrey's female main characters. Luckily there is a sequel on the way!
Those are the last YA books I've read lately.
All the best,
I am currently reading AFTER by Amy Efaw and so far I am really enjoying it.
Product Description from
An infant left in the trash to die. A teenage mother who never knew she was pregnant . . .
Before That Morning, these were the words most often used to describe straight-A student and star soccer player Devon Davenport: responsible, hardworking, mature. But all that changes when the police find Devon home sick from school as they investigate the case of an abandoned baby. Soon the connection is made—Devon has just given birth; the baby in the trash is hers. After That Morning, there’s only one way to define Devon: attempted murderer.
One of my fave YA novels would be The Demon’s Lexicon by Sarah Rees Brennan!
Here's the synopsis: Nick and his brother Alan are on the run with their mother, who was once the lover of a powerful magician. When she left him, she stole an important charm – and he will stop at nothing to reclaim it. Now Alan has been marked with the sign of death by the magician’s demon, and only Nick can save him. But to do so he must face those he has fled from all his life – the magicians – and kill them. So the hunted becomes the hunter…but in saving his brother, Nick discovers something that will unravel his whole past…
The Demon’s Lexicon is fast paced and filled with heartpounding action. And it’s funny too. You HAVE to read it! It's just plain awesome.
-Kate at Read This Book!
You probably already know this, but my favorite book is Private :) The whole series. I don't really know which one is my favorite...maybe Confessions or Ambition? Revelation was really good too! I don't know, I usually just say Private :) And clearly, you know what it's about since you kind of wrote them.
I guess my other favorite book itself, not a series would either be Dream Factory by Barkley & Hepler or Aurey, Wait! by Robin Benway. Dream Factory is about a group of teens who end up working at Disney World as characters because the workers are on strike, and it's about their relationships and everything because everyone likes who they're not supposed to like (character-wise). Audrey, Wait! is about a girl (Audrey) who has a song written about her by her ex-boyfriend whose band blows up after it. Everyone knows who she is now but she just wants normality. It's SUPER cute.
Privilege was really good too! Your book. :) I need the third one now!
But oh goodness, I have SO many favorite books, it's really hard to choose just one. :)
I mean obviously Private is my favorite. Actually it's Legacy because Noelle comes back and its before her and Reed fight lol but outside of your books my favorite is definitely "The Perks of Being a Wallflower."
It's such a neat perspective and very easy to relate to. Ha I can't believe I actually just created a LiveJournal just to comment on your blog. I wanted to comment about your fall tv choices so I suppose I'll go do that now. =)
so excited for the next Privilidged!
love kellyyy
So, My favorite book is the Non-Blonde Cheerleader I supposed that would be books. Actually I like the first one, because I love Daniel and Annisa. So yeah. but other than those one of my favorites would be:
You, Maybe: The Profound Asymmetry of Love in High School by Rachel Vail.
Josie is an independent, self-assured sophomore who doesn't care what anyone thinks about her–until Carson Gold, senior and hottest guy around, suddenly shows an interest. Neither Josie nor her best friends quite understand why she tentatively indulges his attention. At first, she makes out with both Carson and Michael, her neighbor and longtime best friend, following her own philosophy of not getting too involved with one person. Though her friends discourage the relationship, pointing to Carson's fame as a heartbreaker, Josie still finds herself falling for him and his lifestyle. She begins to dress to impress and alters her behavior to fit in with the Beautiful People. Pleased to see Josie taking an interest in her appearance, and also impressed by Carson, her mother approves Josie's request to go on a trip with him and his friends. Several traumatic events during the weekend lead Josie to rediscover what is really important to her. Ultimately, she proves that she is the bright, secure person her friends have always admired. Throughout her first-person narrative, confident vs. insecure Josie argues with herself about all of her relationships, giving readers a true glimpse of her confusion. Her friends are realistically portrayed and their reactions to her romance add to the story's development. Josie shows what often happens to a smart, young woman when a charismatic young man starts paying attention to her. This cautionary tale begs to be read by girls everywhere, before, during, and after they fall in love.
It’s a good read. I love it. Also the Pretty Little Liars Series by Sarah Shepard is one of my favorites too. It’s like a murder mystery kind of book…very intriguing.
In the exclusive Philadelphia suburb of Rosewood, Alison is the Queen Bee of her elite seventh grade hive. BFs Aria, Hanna, Spencer, and Emily vie for her attention, even as each of them hides a hideous secret only Alison knows. So when Alison goes missing after a slumber party, never to be seen again, each girl is heartbroken, but also a little relieved. Now it is three years later, and though the four girls have grown apart, they are each still hiding something. Artsy Aria is carrying on an affair with one of her teachers, fashionista Hanna shoplifts to accessorize her trendy outfits, blue-blood Spencer is sleeping with her older sister’s boyfriend, while straight-A Emily is trying to ignore her attraction to a new female classmate. When the girls begin receiving threatening text messages and emails that from someone known only as "A," they must confront the fact that against all odds, it appears Alison is back. Could Alison still be alive? And if so, why is she so determined to uncover all their dirty little secrets?
And actually I think I’ve seen Lucky, because I remember reading about that, but I didn’t have enough time to actually buy it and sit down and read it. Ha.
Hi Kieran! First I'd like to say that i love the private books.
My favorite book though is A Great And Terrible Beauty. The book is about a girl in Victorian times that has "visions" the plot is very complex and a bit hard to explain.
Hmmm... I don't think I could pick just one but among my favorites are The Gemma Doyle Trilogy, The Gallagher Girls, Strange Angels, The Private Series, and Poison Study.
Three things:
1) I love your blog's new design! Fabulous!
2) SHE'S SO DEAD TO US sounds wonderful.
3) The last great YA I read was THE DARK DIVINE by Bree Despain. It's not due out until December, but it's worth the wait.
In case your looking for something that's already out (which you probably are), SHIVER is always a fantastic choice. If you haven't read it yet it is a must. Maggie Stiefvater has out done herself with it, both the writing and story are beautful. Her other novel that just came out, BALLAD, was also quite good.
My favorite most recent series (other than Private and Privilage, of course!) would have to be the Pretty Little Liars series. These books are thrilling and very suspenseful. My friends and I are all very into them and share the books whenever they come out. We love reading and sharing our thoughts on the books. They are a true teen crime and relate to real life highschool and teen problems. They are an amazing read and I highly recommend them to anyone who has never read them!
It would mean a great deal to me if I won one of your books as well. Thanks for being an amazing writer!
All of your books are amazing. I don't think that I could choose just one favorite, I just love so many of them. But, if I was just going to recommend any(besides your's), I would definitely say any of Susane Colasanti, Elizabeth Scott or , Sarah Dessen's books.
All of their books are amazing. Susane Colasanti alternates point of views, and you can read about the relationship between main characters from all of their perspectives. When it Happens is about Sara and Tobey, who are both looking for that someone who means everything, and then one day they notice each other. Take Me There is about three best friends, and one of them realizes that he loves another. Colasanti's most recent book, Waiting for You is about an anonymous blogger and the main character realizes that she is in love with someone she doesn't even really know.
Elizabeth Scott's books: Perfect You; Bloom; and Something, Maybe could possibly be the most heart wrenching books i have ever read. The situations are so realistic, that you feel like you are experiencing it first hand. They are about forbidden love, family issues, best friend issues, embarrassment. The worst things that you think could happen to you throughout your high school years happen, but they all have a love story element that all females love, one way or another.
Sarah Dessen is pretty self explanatory, her stories are amazing. I own all nine of them and can read them over and over. That might not be saying a lot, because I read a lot of my books repeatedly, but that is beside the point. They all revolve around the same area, so if you read some of her other books there are references to other characters. I don't think I can go into explanations of all of them. But my favorites are: Just Listen, The Truth About Forever, This Lullaby, and Along for the Ride.
That was really long, but I hope that you'll enjoy my recommendations.
My favorite book has to be Megan Meades Guide to the McGowan Boys by Kate Brian.
This book is about a girl whos parents go to Korea, and she decides to go to live with her parents friends, who happen to have 7, yes 7 boys.
At first things are very tough for Megan to live with 7 boys, the younger ones playing tricks, 2 of the oldest being totally HOT!!! And soon, she finds them totally freezing her out, and herself falling for one of the brothers.
I just love this book, I reccomend this book to anyone and everyone who loves to read teen romance novels. It is my favorite and has been for years, I also love any book by Sarah Dessen and Stephanie Meyer (of course).
hahah that last girl just explained to you what YOUR book under your KB pen name was about. funniest thing EVERRRRRRRRRR.
Hi there! I have read a lot of good YA books lately! I just finished Hattie Big Sky by Kirby Larson. It's about Hattie, a sixteen-year-old girl that inherits a homestead in Montana during World War I. It takes place over the course of a year, when she tries to prove up to keep the homestead! Very, very good!
Right now, I am reading Catching Fire! I am going slow, trying to make it last! So far, fantastic!
Also, I will read anything by Beth Kephart. Her writing style is beautiful and her stories are always compelling!
Thanks for the contest!
Hi! I don't know if this is an international contest. If it is, please enter me. If not... well, too bad, but I'll tell you about my favourite YA novel all the same.
It's a very short book, Very Far Away From Anywhere Else by Ursula K Le Guin. Unlike her other books, this is realistic fiction, not fantasy. It's a bit of an old book (it first came out in the late Seventies, I think) and not very well nown, but it's totally worth the (short) time it takes you to read it. The main character is Owen, a 17-year-old boy who doesn't have many close friends. One day on the bus he meets Natalie, a girl from his school who wants to be a composer. They become great friends and share many things. It's a book about love and friendship between a boy and a girl. Check it out, if you want. You won't regret it.
P.S. I'm tweeting about this contest, anyway.
My favorite young adult novel would probably be SLEEPING FRESHMEN NEVER LIE BY DAVID LUBAR. I absolutely LOVE the book, its good a few good laughs, and your typical young adult drama and such. Its about a freshman (obviously lol) boy named Scott Hudson whose mother is pregnant. He is making this guide of advice for his unborn sibling. He kinda gets bullied by a whole bunch of senior guys for lunch money, and his gym teacher is trying to kills him (hehe). He is in the school newspaper and tries out for the play so he can be around the girl he likes more. He becomes friends with this new girl that is suicidal and helps her, he ends up getting past his insecurities about high school and he ends up learning a lot of lessons about high school that he puts in his journal that gives you a good laugh. I am not a very good summerier, but I hope that worked out okay. It a much better book than it probably sounds because I can't summarize.
Hi Kieran!
I think one of my favorite YA books is "Just Listen" by Sarah Dessen, it's been a while since I've read it so it's not fresh in my mind at the moment, but I enjoyed it greatly-
It doesn't feel like just another YA novel(which are all fine, I'm just sayin'), it's alot darker and tackles some deeper subjects without getting too dark/serious, and keeping it fun to read with characters that are very enjoyable. :)
-Kieran B.
My favorite Young Adult novel would either be "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold (Is that considered YA?) or "Speak" by Laurie Halse Anderson. Both made me cry.
"The Lovely Bones" is about 14 year old Susie Salmon (like the fish). She was murdered. She is able to see what's happening on Earth from her Heaven. She watches as her family desperately search for her body.
I seriously cried while reading this. I couldn't put it down. It's such a good book. It's being released as a movie soon. It looks amazing. Peter Jackson directs it so it has to be good.
In "Speak", Freshman Melinda Sordino finds herself not being able to fit in. Her former best friends act like they don't know her. Melinda feels disconnected with the world. She has a secret. Something happened to her during the summer which she hasn't told anyone about.
"Speak" was one of those books where I yell in the middle of reading it "WHAT?!". It was really good. This one was also made into a movie starring Kristen Stewart. But I think the book is better.
Erika (
Your books are fantastic :) But asides from your amazing series, I have to say Sarah Dessen is my favorite YA author. Her books usually have happy endings, which I prefer in books ;) Her books are fun to read because of the romance situations and the way she writes it. My favorite book so far by her is The Truth About Forever. It's about a girl who has lost her dad and along the way she meets a really artistic guy (who's hot as well!) They build a good friendship as she works with him in the same catering business. When I think of waffles, I think of Macy and Wes in The Truth About Forever. If you want to know why, you have to read it! :)
Thank you for this opportunity. I love your books! - Michelle D.
Its always really hard to pick a favorite because I have more than one. Right now I'm reading Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick and its amazing plus i have a crush on Patch one of the main characters. Some YA books that I've read in the past few months that are my favorite are Eon:Dragoneye Reborn by Alison Goodman which is amazing and is one of those amazing books that shows true girl power. Another books is North of Beautiful by Justina Chen Headley which is about a mother and daughter who help each other find themselves and of course theres some romance. They're all really good books that I would recommend to everyone.
Right now, I'm reading an amazing book...The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen. It's about a girl, Macy and her summer where she is working a library job for her perfect, smart boyfriend. But then she meets Wes at a catering job. But my favorite part of this book is the way Sarah Dessen writes about a girl and her dad's death. Dessen really does an awesome job writing how Macy feels. It is so real and trust me I know. I feel like this part of Macy is me and I love how I am able to find a book that finally words the way I felt after my dad's death.
I am just now getting into YA books... but I would have to say my favorite so far is the Twilight series. I know, I know... so typical! :) I also really like Sarah Dessen's books. So far, my favorite is The Truth About Forever and as always, I'm loving the Private series. I just finished Legacy, so glad Noelle is back! ;)
Hope you're having a great week!
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Hi! So my absolute favorite YA novel would be CONFESSIONS from the Private series, which you wrote :) I read it so many times... other than the Private and Privilege series I really love CRUEL SUMMER by Kylie Adams. It's about these 5 high school teens who live in Miami and attend an elite school. These five become friends, even though one is a celebutante (Vanity), one is a hip hop dreamer (Dante), one is the son of a famous Hollywood star (Max), one is a anime-obsessed Latina (Christina), and the last is a British hottie (Pippa). One of them, however, does not make it to graduation day alive. This book is the first in a trilogy. Another book I love is PERFECT CHEMISTRY by Simone Elkeles. In this novel, Brittany Ellis leads this "perfect" life and continues this facade to hide the problems she really does have at home. In chemistry class her teacher forces her to become lab partners with Alex Fuentes, a gang member. This acquaintance threatens Brittany's reputation, and Alex even goes so far as to bet his friends that he could lure Brittany into his life. The bet soon becomes much more as the two learn about each other.
Thanks for writing such awesome books!
sorry about deleting previous comments, but the spacing didn't come out right!
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