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Sunday, April 8, 2012

VOYA gets Me!

I love when reviewers understand and appreciate what I tried to do with a book. It's even better when they also LIKE it! :)

Ally and Jake are looking forward to starting their senior year at Orchard Hill High as a happy couple, but considering their past, they should buckle up for a bumpy ride. The bump turns out to be a baby bump. When their mutual friend Chloe, the soon-to-be mom, names Jake as the father, he believes it is possible. Ally wants to stand by her man and Jake wants to step-up for Chloe, but can they do it? Jake's grades suffer and finding a balance between almost-dad vs. boyfriend seems impossible. Ally is dealing with her Mom's upcoming second marriage and supporting the teen parents, but feeling understandably hurt as Jake begins to focus more on Chloe. When doubt is cast on the baby's paternity and Jake refuses to question what he has been told, the truth of this complicated situation takes them for a ride. Oh the drama! Oh the half-truths and outright lies! This story is equal parts juicy teen soap and thought-provoking, discussable novel for all ages. A well-rounded group of friends and family are in the background of this story, and their presence is notable even though Jake and Ally are the only narrators. Understanding the thought processes, explaining the reason behind a choice, and feeling the positive/negative reactions of those closest to the situation allow readers to truly appreciate the outcome. Fans of MTV's 16 and Pregnant and Teen Mom will find this book particularly fascinating, but it will equally appeal to anyone who enjoys a love story with plenty of ups and downs, interesting characters, and a satisfying ending. This is a great conclusion to an engaging series. Reviewer: Stacey Hayman