All right HE'S SO/SHE'S SO FANS, this is gonna be a big weekend for ALL of us!
This Sunday is April 1, and you know what that means! You don't know what that means? OK, aside from the fact that it's April Fools Day, it will also be the day that you can finally shout from the rooftops "THIS IS SO NOT HAPPENING COMES OUT ONE MONTH FROM TODAY!"
Ahem. So. What I have decided to do to mark this special occasion, is tweet my favorite lines from THIS IS SO NOT HAPPENING all day long. Now, at first, I was going to try to do one line an hour, but I realized I can't commit to anything that regularly-scheduled, because for 45 minutes there I'm going to participating in the HUGE Teen Author Festival signing at BOOKS OF WONDER in NYC, so I might not be able to touch my phone for a couple of hours (if you include drive-time). OR there's always the possibility that no one will come for my autograph and I'll be able to tweet like the dickens the whole time I'm there.
You never know.
But the point is . . . well, the points are . . .
1) If you're in New York City this weekend come to BOOKS OF WONDER at 18 W. 18th Street between 2:30 and 3:15 and I will sign whatever books you bring me as long as they're by me. Also, if you're the THIRD or SEVENTEENTH person to ask for my autograph, you'll win a super awesome prize. (Because three and seventeen are my lucky numbers.)
2) If you want some special sneak peeks of THIS IS SO NOT HAPPENING (and perhaps a spoiler or two), follow me on twitter @kieranscott or keep checking the SHE'S SO DEAD TO US facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/pages/Shes-So-Dead-to-Us/273957676095
Hope to meet you, or at the very least tweet you, this weekend!