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Tuesday, October 4, 2011


If you live in South Jersey, this weekend is going to be beyond exciting for you, because you're going to get a chance to meet ME!

I'm totally kidding. Well, not about the meeting me part, but about how exciting it is to meet me. It's actually only mildly interesting. But fun!

Anyway, this Saturday I am going to be doing a little writing workshop along with a reading and Q&A at the Lacey Branch of the Ocean County Library. If you like my characters in the HE'S SO/SHE'S SO TRILOGY, you should be there, because I'm gonna give you a little inside look into how I created them and help you create your own three-dimensional, interesting, flawed-yet-lovable characters! Here are all the important details:

WHAT: Writing workshop, reading and chat
WHERE: The Lacey Branch of the Ocean County Library, 10 East Lacey Rd., Forked River, NJ 08731
WHEN: Saturday, October 8th, 2pm
RSVP: Please register for the event so the staff and I can properly plan. You can register here:
BRING ALONG: Any books you'd like me to sign (as long as I wrote them) ;)

Can't wait to see you there!