OK, people, I have to say I am feeling just a
TAD disappointed today. I have received only a handful of entries in the
SEVEN AUTHORS & ONE ACTOR GIVEAWAY. I can only think of two reasonable explanations for this:
1) You're all in a lazy summer coma and can't lift your hand to work your camera phones or
2) You don't believe that I'm serious about the prize, which is seriously the BIGGEST most FANTABULOUS prize I've seen anywhere ever!
So, herewith, a photo of just SOME of the books that are just waiting to be won:

And they're all autographed! Every last one! I'm still waiting on a couple of prizes, too, so this will not be all. There are also books coming in from Jenny Han and Heidi R. Kling, plus a
PRIVATE DVD signed by Brant Daugherty, who played Thomas Pearson in the webisodes. (And, in my humble opinion, was completely perfect flirting with Aria as Noel on last week's
PRETTY LITTLE LIARS. If you don't want
THAT GUY'S autograph, you're definitely comatose. Just sayin'.)
If you'd like to enter to win, all you need to do is snap a picture of yourself holding your copy (or your friend's copy, or the library's copy) of
SHE'S SO DEAD TO US and send it to me in one of three ways:
1. Post it on the wall of the
SHE'S SO DEAD TO US fan page on facebook here:
SSDTU FAN PAGE2. Send it to @kieranscott via twitpic and put #SSDTU in the text of your tweet
3. Email it to kieran@kieranscott.net
Any pictures sent through twitter and email will not be posted without your permission. If you enter via facebook, you're posting it on a wall and it will therefore be viewable by all.
Creativity does count as myself, Sara Shepard (PRETTY LITTLE LIARS) and Jenny Han (THE SUMMER I TURNED PRETTY) will be judging the pics based on their originality. But as I mentioned, there are plenty of chances to win! (There's even a second prize AND several honorable mentions available. See the blog post below this one for more details.) You can enter until midnight EST on August 13 and winners will be notified on August 17.
To get your creative juices flowing, here are a few of the entries I HAVE received! NICE WORK LADIES!

Now it's YOUR turn! Get out your camera and enter! I'll be waiting . . . . :)